Czech Ensemble Baroque and solists

Concert of the winners

Baroque music

Traditionally, a concert dedicated to the young hopefuls of baroque music will take place at Jevišovice Castle. Graduates of the summer school gradually become part of Czech and foreign ensembles, and many of them are also involved in cooperation with the festival in the future. At the castle in Jevišovice, you can also view the 2nd largest collection of old musical instruments in the Czech Republic

Possible transport by bus – 17:30, from the municipal theater in Znojmo.

19. 7. 2024
casual elegance
church of st. Josef, Jevišovice
Vinařství Halkoci

Event description

Accompanied by the Czech Ensemble Baroque orchestra, the laureate soloists from LŠBH will perform:

1st place: Andreas Ragger – trumpet
2nd place: Eliška Juříková – flute
3rd place: Amálie Dobšíková – violin




Czech Ensemble Baroque

stará hudba pro nový věk
Ansámbl interpretuje díla starších slohových období v autentickém provedení na dobové nástroje. Soubor založil dirigent Roman Válek roku 1998.
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