Ensemble Rosa Mystica was created in 2022 as an experimental project by Dr. Jan Hajič, harpsichordist, organist and digital musicologist of the Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic. The ensemble focuses primarily on the application of baroque musical rhetoric — consistently, for example, including adding text to instrumental parts. The result is an extremely compelling musical experience.
Event description
The members of the ensemble are frequent collaborators of already established brands such as Collegium 1704, Collegium Marianum, Musica Florea, Capella Regia Praha, or the Czech Ensemble Baroque, soprano Veronika Vojířová is also gaining international fame in Belgium and Germany.
Veronika Hajičová Vojířová — soprano
Vojtěch Jakl — violin
Anna Špelinová — traverse
Melusine de Pas — viola da gamba
Jan Hajič — harpsichord, artistic direction
Vítězství sladká, krutá, magická / Victoires douces, cruelles, magiques
1. Joseph Bodin de Boismortier: Prémiere suite, op. 35 (e moll, výběr). Sólové traverso (Prélude), traverso s cembalem. (7’)
2. Antoine Forqueray: La Mandoline, La Leclair (2me suite, G dur, výběr). Gamba a cembalo. (8’)
3. Louis-Nicolas Clérambault: Orphée. Zpěv, housle, traverso, continuo. (18’)
4. Elizabeth Jacquet de la Guerre: Sonata n.2 in D pro housle, gambu a continuo. (cca 7’)
5. Louis-Nicolas Clérambault: Médée. Zpěv, housle, traverso, continuo. (20’).